Thursday, 4 December 2014

The Tavern

Hi there!

Despite having finished up there (for the time being) in October, I thought I'd give a wee explanation of our run of gigs we had in the Tavern, a restaurant/bar in Fort William High Street.
By 'we' I mean Liam and I.

Thanks to my mum, yet again, for getting us this fab gig - I swear she's basically my band manager. Liam and I had a lot of fun with this regular gig that started in the summer because it was just us two playing every Thursday night for a few hours with virtually no set-up required at all, no PA system or anything, which I particularly like because sound equipment and I are not the best of friends...
Also because of the cosy, friendly atmosphere which was a lot to do with the really nice folk that work there as well as the sort of customers they get. I think I liked playing in the Tavern because it's more of a restaurant really than a pub, and quite frankly some of the other pubs in town scare me a bit, aha. Well, I'm sure they're great but I prefer not to be hassled by loud drunk people when I'm playing, thank ye very muchos.

This gig got even better once I passed my driving test at the end of July (woo!) because it understandably got a lot easier transport-wise. Having such an informal gig once every week was great to give Liam and I the chance to, like, go over tunes, introduce each other to new tunes and ideas, arrange sets, discuss other gigs AND just get the craic, eyyyyy
Cause right now we don't really meet very regularly to practice (if at all) and I've got a few ideas and stuff for us and I just know his head will be spilling over with new tunes and plans for new sets and what not to present to me, as it always is.

And I'm not gonna lie, the Tavern was goooood monay. Lovely, generous people. Not only with our payment, but the amount of TIPS we got from customers! JEEZO. There was actually a man trying to shove a tenner into Liam's pocket once while we were still playing, I kid you not. It does surprise me sometimes how much people like us/our music, but of course i'm still really grateful for all of the lovely comments and praise we received as it's obviously very gratifying and also very encouraging for us.

So ultimately this was just a really fun gig for us to play, and I really hope we get asked back to play at some point next year!

Yaaay for slightly awkward posed photos!

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